Regnum Christi members are being invited into a deeper understanding of the beautiful charism to which they have been called. In 2020 a virtual convention called Regnum Christi: Live the Mystery encouraged its participants to ponder how the mystery of Christ is made present through the charism of Regnum Christi. This convention was an opportunity to explore how to more fully live Christ’s mission through the specific charism that they, as Regnum Christi members, have been entrusted with, and included large group presentations, small group discussions and workshops, and interactive exchange. The content of this convention was made available in the Online Classroom as RCLIFE 102: Live the Mystery.
In 2021 a second convention was offered for all Regnum Christi members called Live the Mystery II: The Mystery of the Kingdom to experience the transformative power of the mystery of the Kingdom in such a way as to make it present in their own hearts, and in the hearts of all they encounter. The content of this convention is now available as this course, RCLIFE 103: Live the Mystery II.
The original concept for the Live the Mystery conventions was born as a result of an international Regnum Christi Identity project. The goal of each Live the Mystery convention is to bring particular aspects of the Regnum Christi charism into greater focus, and to provide an opportunity – through presentations, questions, and discussions – for Regnum Christi members from all vocations to explore this mystery, and to encounter Christ, his love, and his Kingdom, through the specific charism of Regnum Christi.